Contact Info

Whether you have questions about parts, service, or finding the perfect car, JJ Motors is here to help. Get in touch with them through the following methods.


121/5, New Eskaton Road, Auto-One AC Market, 1st-Floor, Ramna, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Phone Number

+8801707 381 734

E-mail Address

Send Us a Message

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find the right car part for my vehicle?

Online: Use JJ Motors' online search tool by entering your car's year, make, and model. You can browse parts categories or search by specific part name.

Offline: Visit a JJ Motors store and speak with a knowledgeable experts who can help you find the right part.

Online: Convenient, wider selection, and easy to compare prices; may require waiting for delivery.

Offline: Get expert advice immediately, see and inspect parts before purchase, and potentially walk out with the part the same day.

JJ Motors should clarify its return and exchange policy on its website and in its stores. This might cover unopened parts, the original receipt, and the return timeframe.

Online: Check live inventory on JJ Motors' website (if available).

Offline: Call the store directly or visit to inquire about stock availability.

JJ Motors might not offer installation themselves. They can clarify their policy and potentially recommend qualified mechanics who can do the installation for you.